
Article by Mushup

08 April 2022

Cordyceps, a true contributor to our well-being
  • What are Cordyceps

The Cordyceps, also known as Cordyceps Sinensis, is a brown-colored fungus, it's also called the caterpillar fungus because of its shape, can measure between 5 and 10 cm. It usually grows on the Tibetan highlands, at altitudes ranging from 3000 to 5000 meters. 

Harvested between April and June, it parasitizes butterfly larvae in the fall and feeds on the flesh of caterpillars, keeping their shells until winter. Although the habits of this mushroom may seem like something out of a horror movie, its adaptogenic capacities are no less interesting: it helps our body regain balance where it is needed.

In partnership with Quebec producers, MushUp integrates Cephalosporium Sinensis with multiple virtues in its products.

  • Why consume it: its virtues

Consumed for centuries, cordyceps has many (many) nutrients - get ready, the list is long! It is rich in cordycepin, which acts as a bactericide and anti-tumor, in adenosine, which is good for digestion and regulation of the heartbeat, and in mannitol, which is a diuretic. It is also an excellent source of minerals, including copper, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and manganese. Want more? This fabulous mushroom contains many amino acids, a significant amount of protein, vitamins (E, B1, B2, B12 and K), essential fatty acids as well as saccharides, polysaccharides with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, peptides, and sterols.

This parasitic mushroom also has interesting therapeutic properties. Being an antioxidant, it helps the body fight infections and strengthens the immune system. It is known to have a positive impact on physical performance: good support during physical efforts, it improves endurance and promotes muscle growth.

Its anti-inflammatory properties give it an action on bronchitis and asthma by reducing the inflammation of the airways. It is also considered as a good regulator of bad cholesterol.

It is also used in the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

The cherry on the cake, it is used as a general stimulant: it has a beneficial effect on the libido and acts as an anti-fatigue in case of asthenia.  

Finally, and this is one of its greatest strengths, cordyceps participates in the nervous balance. In this sense, it has an anti-stress effect and is a good ally in case of depression or burn-out. It helps you to find lost motivation, to fight insomnia and anxiety. This mushroom is a real revitalizer!

  • How to consume Cordyceps?


How to enjoy this super mushroom and finally benefit from all its precious virtues?

It can be consumed in the form of a vegetarian capsule to be ingested up to 3 times a day, during meals. 

You can also get it in the form of powder to incorporate in your favorite drinks.

As you can expect, cordyceps is also excellent when added to a good coffee. At MushUp, we have developed a unique system of 3 extractions allowing us to draw all the active properties of our functional mushrooms. Thus, this adaptogenic mushroom has been perfectly combined with our Vigor and Decaf lines, whose powerful health benefits we are happy to share with you. We recommend consuming one to three cups of MushUp coffee per day to get the boost and balance you need. 

In case of medical history or doubt, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a specialist before taking cordyceps.