
Article by Mushup

15 March 2022

What is Reishi?

Reishi — also known as Ganoderma Lucidum, Ling Zhi, Living Polypore, etc. — is a medicinal fungus popular in Asia and has been used for over 1,000 years for its many virtues. Growing up to 20 centimetres high, it is recognized by its lacquered appearance and yellow, orange or red hat which can measure up to 30 cm in diameter.

Sometimes this fungus grows on the roots of fruit trees, but it is especially fond of decaying tree trunks.

At MushUp, it is Quebec-based producers who provide our famous premium organic mushrooms.


Why consume it: its virtues

Reishi or "queen of mushrooms" is a super food. It contains vitamins C, D, B5 and B9. It is concentrated in minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc. In addition to its proteins, carbohydrates and fibres, it is composed of triterpenes which have a beneficial effect on morale, sterols which reduce bad cholesterol, fatty acids and steroids.  

Its benefits to the body are numerous.  A 2017 study highlighted the effects of the fungus on the human microbiota. The composition of our intestinal flora can indeed have a significant impact on our fat gain. By feeding the microbiota, Reishi promotes weight loss. It acts, in a way, like a probiotic.

The mushroom with the red hat also has effects on the nervous system thanks to the triterpenes. In fact, experiments have shown its antidepressant, anxiolytic and anti-stress properties. 

In addition to its relaxing action, Ganoderma is a serious ally for people with high blood pressure.  

It is also known for its anti-carcinogenic effects (be careful, this does not replace a treatment and should not be used as a substitute for a follow-up by a specialist). This would be due to the fungal polysaccharides which would stimulate the immune system and have immunomodulatory actions on certain cancers.

Taking Reishi in addition to one’s treatment would be beneficial for the patient.

If you have medical problems, are undergoing treatment or if you are unsure, we advise you to consult a specialist before taking Reishi.

How to consume Reishi?


After reading all the benefits of ganoderma, you probably ask yourself the question "Great, but how to prepare it?"

The mushroom can be eaten as dried flesh. The amount to be used per day is 1.5 to 9 grams. The pieces are to be added to hot water to make an infusion which must rest about fifteen minutes. 

If you're looking for a softer version, you can turn to Reishi powder. The latter is to be incorporated into your favorite drinks such as a fresh fruit juice or in a tea.  

And for coffee lovers, we did things big at MushUp. We love this mushroom and its adaptogenic properties so much that we decided to integrate it into all our recipes. Each 20g cup of coffee offers 400mg of concentrated Reishi following our triple extraction process: polysaccharide chains are broken and beta glucans are released. Our process allows us to extract all the properties of the mushroom, something impossible with powder or simple infusions. Thus, Reishi offers a nice complementarity with coffee by moderating the effects of caffeine on the body such as palpitations, anxiety and tremor. A great way to combine practicality and enjoyment!